Salary as a sign of gratitude and appreciation: what sets P3 Security GmbH apart from the world’s largest mail order giant:

The Federal Government plans to enforce the legaltion of theminimum wage of 9,60€ per hour in the to €10.45 in the coming year. One of the world’s leading mail order giants now boasts that it will raise at least 12€ per hour. In the Expanses of the Internet are even advertised wages of up to €12.50 for the upcoming Christmas season. You think, that’s not very much in times of rising inflation? Us too ! That’s why wepromisemore:more salary, more appreciation.
A smiling arrow on the parcel awaitshe customers who order their goods online from a world’s leading mail order giants. But whether the logistics employees r at work or looking at their bank account at the end of the month?
Based on a monthly gross–salary of 2000€ an employee employee in tax class I receives approx. 1,420€ net. The company in question is considered a major proprovider of the Corona–pandemic.
The logistics employees are the cogwheels without which the entire machinery would not would run. They are often exposed to great stress, are According to research by Team Wallraff closelycontrolled, possibly even monitored by camera monitored. Anyone standing around too long or talks to with colleagues, risks your job.
Obviously the workflows andworkflows and processesotherwise the record profits cannot be explained. otherwiselars. What we must not forget is that people are not machines.
What we do differently and better
Sebastian Tyroller, founder and managing director of P3 Security GmbH, has a clear vision:
“We want to become the most attractive and popular employer in the security industry. We are working hard and with passion to achieve this goal.”
We show that there is no hot air behind these big words and what sets us apart from the company with the smiling parcels.

Advantages with P3 Security GmbH:
- With us, employees startwith expertise and their own vehicle start at €16.50 per hour. per hour. The annual salary? 39.600€ PLUS bonuses.
- Team spirit and Appreciation is our top priority. We value your commitment and show this in your account.
- Anyone who stops getting better has stoppedstopped being good. That’s why we offer you diverse development opportunitiesto redefine your own boundaries. define
- Dress to impress: You will receive a work outfitthat is notnot only modernn and high quality, but naturally also funcfunctional.
- Variety: working all day day on the assembly linetiring and boring.and boring. That’s why we put you in exciting jobss that always involve new challenges that challenges.
- Corporate benefits: Benefit from numerous employeerbeiterrabatten. Klamotten, Travel, food and drink: with us you not only earn more, you also save cash money.
- Your own health is important: That’s why we offeryou a freefree
supplementary health– and pension insurance.
Quality makes the difference. A A company becomes successful when every employeevalued and rewarded accordingly.
Do you fancy a new dream job?
We look forward to seeing you!